Sembrano uguali ma uno è più intelligente: differenze cognitive svelate in due tipi comuni di pollo da carne
Nel mondo dell'allevamento avicolo, le varietà di polli da carne Ross308 e Hybro sono tra le più comuni. A guardarle paiono indistinguibili, eppure una delle due varietà risulta essere meno “intelligente” dell’altra. Il Ross308, selezionato per garantire una maggiore resa di carne, si dimostra più scarso ai test cognitivi.

How monkeys count to get the middle
We share with other species an intriguing similarity in representing numbers in space, from left to right.

Individually distinctive features facilitate numerical discrimination of sets of objects in domestic chicks
We share with other species an intriguing similarity in representing numbers in space, from left to right.

Middle identification for rhesus monkeys is influenced by number but not extent
The goal of this study was to explore if monkeys can learn the abstract concept of middle and if they can apply it to novel item and numbers.

How to make chicks count with a single hemisphere
We share with other species an intriguing similarity in representing numbers in space, from left to right.

When numbers bias chicks’ choices
Most people who read and write from left to right, orientate numbers in the same direction.

Newborn chicks associate numbers and space
In the early 1800s, Sir Francis Galton, a British polymath, showed for the first time that humans describe and think of numbers as being represented on a mental number line oriented from their left to right.

Ordinality in rats
Rats are capable of learning to enter a target tunnel, to find a food, solely on the basis of its ordinal position in an array of six or 18 identical tunnels.

Ordinality in chicks
Domestic chicks, soon after hatching, move and interact with their environment to follow the hen, to join their mates and to find food.

Ordinality in honeybees
Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are usually thought of as foragers, who fly flower to flower to collect nectar and pollen.

When animals count
Let’s imagine walking in Florence and looking for a specific restaurant.

The consequences of Clever Hans’ story upon the investigation of animal numerical comprehension
When it was demonstrated that Hans’ mathematical calculations were due to an artifact, unintentionally given from his trainer, the belief on animal numerical capacities was plummeted.